Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Nike's Chinese New Year Book Giveaway

First, I want to apologize. This will be my third post in a row now about books. Sorry! Also, it's time for some shameless self-promotion. I recently published my first book, Coasters 101. Well, I am now announcing the release of my second book and first work of fiction entitled Nike's Chinese New Year. It's a funny coming of age story about an engineer's adventures in China taking place over the Chinese New Year holiday.

Now, since this book doesn't really have anything to do with theme parks (though I did manage to through in a couple of references including Hong Kong Disneyland) I've decided to give away a copy for free! How do you enter the giveaway contest? Simply comment below leaving your name, email address, and preference if you'd like the paperback or Kindle eBook edition will give you one entry into the contest. But that's not all! Each time you share this page via Tweet, Facebook, blog post, etc. will grant an additional entry per each share (just make sure you tell me what you did via the comments). The winner will be announced during the Superbowl! Catch a quick preview of the novel here.

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